Friday, November 28, 2008

Extreme shopping

As I was checking my blog, I happened to look at the Google News gadget on my screen.  One of the stories for U.S. news was "Wal-mart worker dies after shoppers knock him down." I couldn't believe it. I have always heard about the intense shoppers that come out for the day-after-Thanksgiving shopping, but I never imagined it to go that far. 

I didn't have a particular reason for including this story on my blog. I just thought it was a well-written article that grabbed my attention. The story itself was interesting, and it didn't have any major holes in it. It's refreshing to see a news story that is simple yet intriguing. The reporter didn't have to go digging for a scandal, and the copy editor didn't have to write an amazing headline to grab my attention.  Don't get me wrong, the story itself is very sad. I was shocked to read that no one stopped to help the worker up.